Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rich In Happiness.

I figured by writing this I could figure out what is it that I wanted, well what I want from life is to just be happy. But isn’t that what everyone wants? Definition of happy : characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: So you think of happiness as just no pain, no tears, any type of negative emotion just being cut out from the point of “just being happy” Your life starts with you, people cant make you happy but they can be a reason why. I don’t want to be “just happy” with life. We live day by day, same routine, we all grow old day by day, the future goes on. Were all given a life long life for a reason? Think about it, and I mean really think about, you know how many things you can accomplish in 80 years, if your lucky to live that long? And by that Im also referring to as God has kept you alive this long for a purpose, when its your time to die do you want to look back and realize you had “just a happy” life or do you want to look back and say I did all things for you God, you did all things through me! Im not saying you have to be albert Einstein and discover electricity all over again, but you can do greater things also within yourself. Knowing you tried your hardest. College for instance, people seem to say College isn’t for me? Why is that? Anyone can do anything they apply there selves to do. Anyone can do anything, and that’s when your faith comes in. maybe God just wants you to be a missionary and doesn’t want you to go to college BUT it he will change your plans when and why he wants/needs to. So you cant just not ever try and just expect good things to happen to you. And for me it seems like I feel like Im living an okay life, but its not easier, I didn’t get any financial aid, here I am trying to join the army. Working two jobs, keeping my faith in God and wondering why in the world some spoiled 18 yr old brat doesn’t work, drives a 2011 camaro and doesn’t have to worry a thing about there college financial issues because of course there parents “have it all”. At first I can say I wasn’t happy about that at all but then as God continues to bless me more and by that its no where near with materialistic things, No I don’t have a car and I don’t have the fanciest stuff but the blesses me within and that’s the greatest thing I could ever ask for and I truly hope that even If was the poorest person living on the streets that God is still growing inside of me, keeping my mind focused on whats important. So No I may not get to go out and party like all the other college kids and get all crazy but I do know its all for a reason, God keeps watch over me, I know this sounds so crazy but I decided to actually go out and drink a few days ago and as I was at that intoxication level the first and only thing my mind was even thinking about was “why did I do this again” It was like a call from God asking me what it is that you want in life, and that’s how Im writing this right now. My actions today can have a great impact on my future tomorrow without me even realizing it. My past is my past and you cant ever change it, or go back and to be quite honest I wouldn’t want to go back. God gave me this peace of mind for a reason and opened my eyes up to this is it. This is your life today. Make a difference, do all you can today. Don’t sit around and wait for good things to just magically happen, It does take time and you will have some hardships but that’s all part of Gods beautiful plan, to be appreciative, to be patient, to learn to be just happy for now but then fully blessed and fruitful in the future because of your actions Now. Let God come inside you now, let him be the reason you want to succeed.