Friday, January 13, 2012

It's a new year.

I haven't been writing in awhile, & it's such a sad deal because writing is my passion. I came across a young ladies twitter today and saw she had posted a blog on here, I read it & it brought me inspiration to get back on here & continue doing what I know I am meant to do.

Lately I have been feeling so alone, & not a depressing feeling but I miss my family & friends so much. Ever since I've dedicated my life to Christ and have these adrenaline thoughts it seems they just think I'm nutty, as if they really have nothing to say to me anymore. I know I was on a wrong path before but I'm so glad I had the opportunity to change and I've now realized I think the way I do for a reason. I just know God has a plan for me. Even if I'm alone in this I will forever maintain my faith, he's showed me so much and I couldn't be more happier. I ship out in 2 weeks to South Carolina for BCT. Yes, I joined the army about 6 months ago thinking it was going to be something fun to do. I'm kind of scared but more excited at the same time. I always seem to get off topic of what I'm trying to say and just start rambling on about thirty things at once, I guess I just needed to talk to someone tonight. I just hope when I get back that I can somehow surround myself with Christ-Like people who will encourage me & just have things to talk about. It's hard being the only one and feeling like no one else relates to you. I guess that's all for now until I can find something else to ramble on about.