Monday, February 18, 2013

A Humbling Experience.

You know what's awesome? Knowing you're loved! Regardless if you want to believe it or not! I don't mean to be Cliché but it's why you're be loved because death was already made for you so that you may live..just don't ever feel like your the only one going through things because everyone has trials and tribulations, Christians, celebrity's, the rich the's just that everyone has a purpose and there own destiny to fulfill..I encourage you to really find yourself and find your passion, there's more to life than being in the same mindset you are year after year..thinking nothing will ever change. It does change, it CAN change, but only if you are willing. I say this because I'm only 20...and honestly I feel like I've done a lot more than most 50 yr olds have done! And I'm not just saying that, I know this! I never found who I was in Christ until I realized how I used to be without him. I went to a life group last Friday and the youngest one there besides me was 50 years old! And it was such a humbling experience just because they knew the word from the back of their hand! But you know what? I didn't agree with a few of them, (not that their beliefs are any more right then mine) but I felt like they were asking the same questions I've asked a year ago! That I've already received the answer and I just had to share it with them, It's like we were learning from each other. I just prayed and thanked God I learned at such an early age, and it's humbling because some people go all there whole life not feeling how awesome the gift of the Holy Spirit really is until its their time or until they feel like they're ready to give their lives to Christ. God is SO good and I believe in the power of prayer, honestly though my belief when it comes to the power of prayer on what really pleases our God is faith, diligence, consistency and not just when times are bad but constantly; which leads to righteousness as said in scripture (James 5:16) "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" How can you expect God to answer your prayers if you're not doing your part? He loves it when we talk to him and not just when we feel like it's necessary. It's amazing because at the life group even though I didn't agree with some of the teaching I just kept praying to God because I was confused I mean these people were 30-40 yrs older than me! And my aunt yet said let so and so pray for you because she has healing hands..(let me remind she was that one who just kept talking and interrupting, we all have that one Friend haha) She was lovely though, she asked me what was my prayer request and I told her something completely different just because I didn't want to say it, AND out of her mouth spoke everything I really needed, talk about tears down my face! Because with age and understanding comes wisdom and obedience which starts to produce righteousness...just read Romans 5!  I can't even explain how thankful I felt at that moment because I just knew she just knew! I knew this is where God wanted me to be at that moment. It taught me to humble myself, I want to be righteous, and holy because my father is holy! It doesn't matter old you are but it does matter if you have all this time now and you're not developing spiritually as needed. I can't imagine waiting until I'm 30 to finally really understand what some of the scriptures are really telling me...or maybe I will have to wait. who knows. I just know God knows and I don't think I'll ever forget the many lessons I learned from just that one night. Blessings.