Wednesday, April 24, 2013


If you ask why you are about to do something before you ask how, you'll suddenly find many things simply aren't worth doing, what is worth doing to you suddenly has more time.

Dreams die in three ways:

1. Drowning- If you cannot plan your day on a simple sheet of paper you are flooded. You can survive months to years of overload but your dreams will not. They will struggle if you don't diligently and consistently seek them before slowly slipping into the water. Tackle today's tasks before you start chasing tomorrows..

2. Starvation- When we feed our fears with negative view points of ourselves and our dreams it drains us of confidence. It is very hard to step out of the box when you spend most of your time trying to find a reason why it just might not work. Dreams not fed will starve!

3. Judgement- If you treat a dream like a criminal then it will hide like one. Worse many seek the jury of their peers as a decision source instead of deciding for themselves. Don't put your dreams on trial and display for all to see --just DO THEM. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS..

Balance is the only path to long term success regardless of how we feel seeking it is the bane of the weak and the tenant of the strong..

so what's your long term strategy and what is it worth to make it work? It is worth it to live for more than just the moment. One motivated moment cannot give you what ten years of intentional action can. The defining moment is temporary but there is a defining life lived intentionally in millions of small steps towards a life well lived. Take captive of your thoughts and you will control what you do..negative emotions, habits and thoughts will only lead to a waste of negative energy that will soon go away..because feelings really are only temporary. Why waste time as if you actually think you know how much time you really have....find that balance..rather it be emotionally, spiritually, whatever it is!

You catch what you chase.

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